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While growing vegetables is generally easy to do, some are easier to grow than others. Check out this list of the 10 easiest to grow vegetables for your home garden.

10 Easy To Grow Vegetables

There’s a lot of talk going around about how important vegetables are as a part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. However, with the rising costs of produce and the inconvenience of having to run out to the store each time you need fresh vegetables, it can be hard to get enough in your diet. This is where growing your own vegetables at home can save you time and money. Better yet, it’s easy!

If you’re just starting out growing vegetables at home there are a few vegetables that have been known to be the easiest to grow. They don’t need a lot of attention or maintenance. Not to mention they also taste great! Take a look at the easiest pick of the bunch.


Radishes are one of the easiest-to-grow vegetables of all time. Best planted in spring or fall, they sprout up fasting in only 4 to five weeks. The radish is a great starter vegetable for a beginner gardener of any age. Because they are so quick to germinate they are often planted between other longer germinating vegetables to mark rows.


Tomatoes are easily one of the most popular homegrown vegetables. With so many varieties it’s easy to find one suitable for planting in a garden or in a container. Because they love the heat tomatoes are easy to grow all summer long with the right sunlight and moisture.

Green Beans

Green beans are another very easy-to-grow vegetable. The green bean is also a highly fruitful plant that will grow and reproduce quite quickly. They prefer warm summer months and warm soil. Pole-type plants will require staking of some sort while bush-type plants do not.


Carrots love the sun and prefer light, sandy soil. But they will also do okay in slightly shady areas as well. A soil temperature of around 18-24 degrees Celsius is perfect for the proper germination of the seeds. You can sow the seeds as soon as the soil is workable. You can also try growing baby carrots by mixing them around the other vegetables.


As cool-season crops, lettuce and other greens will grow best when planted in the spring or fall. Plant the lettuce seeds every two weeks for a continuous crop throughout the season. The summer causes the lettuce to set seed which makes it become very bitter tasting. A favorite is Tom Thumb lettuce which can be picked very soon after sowing.


Cucumbers are warm-season crops that need to be planted in full sun. Seeds can be planted as soon as the ground has softened and warmed up and you only need a few seeds to get a bunch of cucumbers. If space is limited, cucumber plants can also be grown vertically on a trellis.


Nothing tastes better than fresh peas from the pod. Plant the peas very early in the spring when the soil is damp and malleable. Snap peas have a very tender pod that you can eat when the peas are still young. Snow peas produce flat pods that develop before the peas inside.


Onions have a long growing season. Because of this many gardeners choose to plant onion sets rather than starting from seeds. This provides a head start in the growth period. Onion plants prefer well-fertilized well-drained soil. The green sprouts of the onions taste great in salads which can be eaten just a few weeks after sprouting.


Peppers are another vegetable that requires a long growing season. They prefer heat so wait until the soil warms up before planting. Also, you may want to plant small seedlings rather than seeds so that they have enough time to mature during the planting season. They need even moisture during flowering. A dark mulch that holds heat and moisture works well for peppers.

Spinach Beets

Spinach beets are super easy to grow. Simply plant the seeds in the spring and thin out the seedlings as they begin to sprout. You can pluck leaves as you need them throughout the season.

These are some of the easiest-to-grow vegetables for the home garden. They produce bountiful crops and require minimal attention. Try some of these vegetables in your garden this season and find out which crop works best for you. Happy gardening!

Make sure you read all of our Gardening posts for tips on other vegetables.

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