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While in San Francisco earlier this month, I visited the Walt Disney Family Museum, which is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time! We are a huge Disney loving family and both my girls love learning about the history behind Walt and his life along with all things Disney. As a mom who always wants to make her kids dreams come true, I felt guilty being there without them. I promised them someday we’d go again as a family. There is so much there to see and take in that I really do need to go back again.

One exhibit that we visited was the Deja View: The Art of Andreas Deja Exhibit which was pretty cool.


Deja was accepted into a training program at the Walt Disney Animation Studios in 1980. He passed the program and began working on some much loved Disney productions including The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Princess & The Frog, Roger Rabbit and more!

I love these images of Scar!

The artwork in this exhibit includes watercolors, charcoal, ink and paper, sculpture and more from these movies along with others.   These originals are amazing to see in person.

Deja View: The Art of Andreas Deja Exhibit is on display at the Walt Disney Family Museum now through October 9, 2017.

For more information about the Deja View exhibit be sure to visit The Walt Disney Family Museum website.

The Lion King roars to Its rightful place in the Walt Disney Signature Collection on Digital Aug. 15th and on Blu-ray™ Aug. 29th.