Have you been racking up the Tropicana Juicy Rewards points? If your not sure what I’m talking about read this post.
I’ve got 22 points in my account right now and I was just looking around to see what I could use them on when I found something I thought was pretty interesting. You can donate your points to Rescue the Rain Forest and help protect our Earth. Every point you donate saves 33 1/3 sq. ft. of rainforest through Tropicana’s Rescue the Rainforest. You can donate as many as you’d like.
So if your not sure what to do, there’s an idea! Want a FREE point? Enter this code for 1 point: HMEK9-TKRMF (thanks Free Sample Freak!)
You can also get $10 off + FREE Shipping from EA Sports Active for only 3 points! That’s a nice one too!
Not a member of Juicy Rewards? Sign up HERE. It’s free!!
Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in the Tropicana Juicy Insiders Ambassador program by Mom Central on behalf of Tropicana. I received 12 free Juicy Rewards points and a $50 Visa gift card to use in redemption of the points and to facilitate my review.