Green Mountain Breakfast Blend K-Cup Sale Cross Country Cafe
Cross Country Cafe is my new favorite K-Cup store and every Wednesday they have a Wacky Wednesday Sale. This week it happens to be for one of my absolute favorite K-Cups – Green Mountain Breakfast Blend! Right now you can grab the Green Mountain Breakfast Blend K-Cups for $10.99 a box. These boxes have 24 K-cups, not the 12 or 18 that you find in the grocery stores. So you are only paying $.45 a K-Cup. Much cheaper than a coffee at your favorite coffee shop!
And if you use the coupon code B5BGA6AHP you will get one box of K-Cups half price when you purchase 5! That will make them only $.41 each before shipping. Shipping is a flat rate of $8 so grab a friend, place an order and share the shipping costs!
Grab yours now before they sell out! This sale is valid today only, 9/26/12.