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Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about me and my family so I’ve decided to have the occasional Behind the Scenes at Koupon Karen to share something about me, something we’ve done or whatever comes to mind.  I was very excited that so many readers wanted to learn more about me, thanks!!! 😉

I mentioned on facebook that I had minor foot surgery about a week and a half ago.  I had a small cyst removed from my left foot.  Thankfully it was my left foot so I’ve been able to drive once I completed the pain meds. But my foot has been wrapped up tightly for 2 weeks and it hasn’t been fun.  I had no idea how much of an inconvenience it would be but with it getting warmer and warmer here, my body is even warmer with this nice thick wrapping I have.  Thankfully it’s being removed along with the stitches on Friday (I hope!).  But my girls and my husband have been extremely helpful, especially the first few days when I needed to really stay off it.  This is what I’ve been looking at for the past week and a half.  And my leg is pretty swollen still at times.  —->

We went out to dinner one night the first weekend since my husband was exhausted from doing double duty. The girls wanted to try on my glasses.  I thought they both looked adorable pretending to be mommy.  My youngest tells me when she grows up she is going to drink coffee and water just like mommy does, and wear glasses.  Kids are so darn cute.

I love how simple life sounds in the future to them and to hear how they ‘think’ it will be.

Do your kids want to do something you do when they grow up??