
25-Ft Expandable Flexible Water Garden Hose for $9.99

Today on Tanga you can get the 25-Ft Expandable Flexible Water Garden Hose for $9.99!!  It even includes the with Rear Trigger Nozzle.  My husband wants one of these so I think I'm going to grab this for him for Christmas since we never got one this summer. The Hose is the incredible expanding hose that automatically expands up to 3 times its length while giving you up to a 3/4 inch diameter powerful high-flow spray. Simply turn the water on and watch the Hose grow. The hose expands in length and diameter as the water pressure creates the resistance within the body of the hose. Turn the water off and the Hose contracts to its original length. No more struggling with heavy hoses - Hose has...

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Lunchables Field Trip For All Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Lunchables. All opinions are 100% mine. I know a lot of my readers have children so I was very excited to tell you about this new program from Lunchables called Field Trips For All.  Basically what it comes down to is that during this current school year, school districts will be eliminating more field trips.   It's been reported in 2009 by The American Association of School Administrators, that the eliminations will increase by 56 percent!  That's a lot of schools that will lose out on hands on learning that comes along with field trips.  The sad thing is there are some kids that learn best when hands on and they will be missing out on...

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Thank you for your Patience! I love my readers!!!

thank you thank you thank you so much for all your get well wish's, advice and patience over the past week.  Let me tell you, having your tonsils out as a 36 year old adult isn't fun.  I'll take the flu, a head cold, a sinus infection, even a stomach bug any day but boy having this minor surgery showed a different side of me! LOL I'm so glad they don't grow back. I have so many people to thank for all their help this last week. I feel like I'm writing an acceptance speech for an award.  Then again for being sick the entire month of March and then some and still taking care of my family, home and my blog, maybe I should get an award.  But isn't that what a mom does when she's sick??  She...

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