Regional Coupons

I Don’t Have That Coupon – Where Do You Get Your Coupons?

I asked my readers on Facebook to submit their coupon questions and I will answer them one by one.  This will help those of you struggling and hopefully help those of you just starting out.  I'm always here to answer questions and I'll help in any way that I can!   Where do you find your coupons?  We do not get the same ones that you do.   I believe what she is asking about is the coupons that come in the Sunday inserts. I try my best to show you a variety of coupons available since I know not everyone gets the same coupons, but sometimes the best deal is with the coupon you don't have.   And why don't you have that coupon?? Coupons are regional, which means that depending on...

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Coupon Basics: Sunday Coupon Inserts

Coupon Basics: Sunday Coupon Inserts

There are a lot of places to find coupons, not just the Sunday Paper and you may be surprised how many you've missed once you look over this list.  But since the Sunday paper is the most common place, I wanted to go over a few things to help you out when purchasing the paper, especially if it's just for coupons. Sunday Inserts Just about every Sunday there is at least ONE coupon insert, if not more.   Some major holiday weekends there will not be any coupons but I will let you know ahead of time when that is, so you don't buy any extra papers looking for the coupons.  I suggest before you purchase the paper, you take a quick look to see if all the inserts are there because unfortunately...

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