While at BlogHer in NYC earlier this month, I had the privilege of attending the Unilever PentHOuse and was able to sample some delicious dishes and speak with the Unilever Test Kitchen Chef Normajean. I tried some yummy dishes and learned of a few new ways to use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! Spray. Honestly, as simple as it is, I never thought to use it on corn on the cob. I know it's pretty obvious that it would be the easiest way to apply butter to corn on the cob but I will admit I always did it the hard way and used a knife and tried my best to catch it before it fell off the corn. Admit, you've done it too! Well I don't do that anymore! We've had corn on the cob twice...
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! Grilling Basket Giveaway ENDED
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